search the rulings of
The Maritime Disciplinary Court of the Netherlands:

Focal Points Navigation > Voyage planning & preparation

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Multi Purpose General Cargo vessel < 3000 gt [2]

It is also recommended that awareness be raised by consulting the pilot guides that have been issued worldwide for many areas and explicitly warning of the dangers of entering ports - cf. the regulations mentioned under 3.2.b to d.
There should be an explicit instruction that with every voyage, the Ecdis settings should be (i) adjusted to the new/current voyage and (ii) checked.

Multi Purpose General Cargo vessel > 3000 gt [1]

Category Zones of Confidence indicates the accuracy of the hydrographic data on the chart. The CATZOC table shows the position accuracy, depth accuracy and survey quality of each ZOC value. A misconception is that buoys, drilling rigs and other obstacles are indicated with the same accuracy as the position accuracy in the ZOC table. The accuracy of these objects depends on data provided by third parties to the UK Hydrographic Office. Mistakes regularly creep in. A common inaccuracy is that mistakes are made with degrees, minutes, seconds and degrees, minutes and tenths of minutes.

The Disciplinary Court wishes to point out that any seafarer who observes a position error of a drilling platform or any other object can report this to the UK Hydrographic Office by means of a Hydrographic Note (see NP 100, there is even a separate app developed for this: the Admiralty H-Note; this can be downloaded from the IOS and Android App store).

Towing and supply shipping [1]

It is recommendable that the standard forms used by shipowners for voyage preparation include a separate box with questions regarding the minimum clearance height of bridges, etc., the actual air draft of the vessel and clearance, in order to be able to safely sail under such objects.

Dredger [1]

Even if the vessel makes the same round trips in the same area, this does not relieve the master of the obligation to carefully check the voyage plan and waypoints, taking into account changes in the positions of the buoys in the navigation area and adjusting this information in the voyage plan where necessary. This is to avoid excessively routine navigation.